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The Small Business Association (SBA) provides valuable guidance through their “Small Business Resource Guide Spring 2023 Edition,” which outlines the top 10 steps for starting a business. In this blog post, we will focus on one of these crucial steps: “Choosing The Right Business Structure”

Before we delve into the importance of working with a business attorney, let’s gain a better understanding of the various business structures available.

Business Types:

  1. Sole Proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business structure, where you are the sole owner and personally liable for all business obligations. While it offers simplicity and full control, it also means you bear the risk entirely on your own. As a sole proprietor, you have the freedom to make all decisions regarding your business and enjoy all profits generated.
  2. Partnership: Partnerships involve two or more individuals who share ownership and responsibility for the business. Partnerships can be general partnerships, where all partners share equal liability, or limited partnerships, where some partners have limited liability. General partnerships distribute profits and losses equally among the partners, while limited partnerships offer a division of liability based on each partner’s investment or involvement.
  3. Limited Liability Company (LLC): An LLC provides a flexible structure that combines elements of a corporation and a partnership. It offers limited liability protection for owners, known as members, while allowing for a more straightforward and flexible management structure compared to a corporation. LLCs offer the advantage of personal asset protection, where the members’ personal assets are shielded from business liabilities.
  4. Corporation: A corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners (shareholders). It provides the highest level of personal liability protection but requires more formalities, such as appointing directors, holding shareholder meetings, and maintaining corporate records. Corporations issue shares of stock, allowing for ownership to be divided among shareholders. Additionally, corporations can attract investment and have the ability to go public through an initial public offering (IPO).

Benefits Of Working With A Business Attorney:

  1. Tailored Legal Advice: Our business attorneys provide personalized advice based on your industry, scale of operations, and long-term vision. We understand that every business is unique, and what works for one entrepreneur may not necessarily work for another. By gaining a deep understanding of your specific needs, goals, and risk tolerance, our attorneys can guide you in selecting the business structure that aligns most effectively with your objectives.
  2. Legal Compliance: Navigating the legal landscape can be complex, and non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations can have severe consequences. Our business attorneys ensure that you meet all the legal requirements for your chosen business structure, such as registering with the appropriate authorities and drafting necessary agreements or contracts. Staying compliant with the law is vital to protect your business’s reputation and avoid costly legal disputes.
  3. Asset Protection: Protecting your personal assets is crucial in the event of business liabilities or lawsuits. Our business attorneys guide you in establishing the appropriate structure to limit personal liability and protect your hard-earned assets. By separating your personal and business assets, you can shield yourself from personal financial risks that may arise from your business activities. This added layer of protection can provide you with peace of mind and the confidence to pursue your entrepreneurial endeavors.
  4. Tax Efficiency: Different business structures have varying tax implications. Our skilled business attorneys help you understand the tax advantages and disadvantages of each structure, allowing you to make informed decisions and potentially save money on taxes. By carefully considering the tax consequences of your chosen business structure, you can optimize your tax strategy and ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations. This can lead to substantial savings and contribute to the financial health and growth of your business.

Choosing the right business structure is a critical step in laying a solid foundation for your small business’s success. At Fargo Patent and Business Law, we recognize the importance of working with a business attorney who can provide you with tailored legal advice, ensure legal compliance, and protect your interests. Our team of experienced attorneys brings additional expertise and guidance specifically tailored to your unique circumstances. Contact us today.